Malam tadi..konon ngantok la kan..naik la bilik awal sket dari incik suami..
ngah baring-baring skali teringat nak baca ayat-ayat Quran dari buku pregnancy...
dah bace-bace (eh..xpe ke baca ayat dan whole surah tak pakai tudung???jahiliyah tol saye ni), terselak la kat ruangan nama-nama baby...
tadek intention pon nak carik nama tapi saje...tapi niat dihati nak carik nama yang bagi maksud bijak/cerdik/pandai...
seketika kemudian,incik suami naik nak tido...
Puan Bini: tgk name2 baby ni..nak caik name yg maksudnye bijak..ok tak..?Incik Suami: Tak yah..kalo laki bagi name Muhammad Zulfadli II...(maksud Zulfadli ialah YANG MEMPUNYAI KELEBIHAN)Puan Bini: Pe plak...kalo kat I**** kalo 1st revision ialah point anak 1st ialah Muhammad Zulfadli I..Incik Suami: Tak pon Muhammad Zulfadli Junior..Puan Bini: Errrkk...?Puan Bini:kalo pompuan, name Batrisyia sedap gak kan...?Incik Suami: hmmm...(je..?)
Sudah mengarut...incik suami marah sebab tak tido-tido lagi...ok la..ok la..
so ngah caik2 position sesuai (ok...saye da mule mengalami kesulitan nak berbaring) dan akhirnye post memandang dan memelok incik suami adalah paling selesa...
Puan Bini: ..... (sambil terdengar dengkur incik suami)
Cik Bebi: haiyaarrrrkkkkkk (bersenam dalam perot)
Puan Bini: awww....awww...(sambil pegang perot belah kiri)
Incik Suami: nape yang..?nape yang...? (serius cuak suare..)
Puan Bini: bebi...exercise kot...saket sket...
Incik Suami: Bebi..watpe tu..?tido la..sian mama..sok main ye... (sambil usap2 perot)..
Cik Bebi: Haiyaaarrrkkk
Incik Suami: yang...yang...tadi bebi gerak yeh..?yeh..? (dengan suare separe menjerit)
Puan Bini: a'ah..da dapat rase yeh..?
Incik Suami: a'ah...hehehe...bebi..bebi..dah..tido bebi..
Puan Bini: ....(senyum sambil tahan air mate dari menitik...gile feeling lbeh plak...)
Huhuhu..rase cam nak rakam moment tu semalam dan nak ulang-ulang banyak kali ...
saye memang da rase2 bebi gerak dan incik suami da banyak kali cube nak tau camne bebi tu gerak...
tapi tak dapat-dapat dan tak sangke plak beliau se'eksaited gitu...
So malam tadi saye tido dalam senyum lebar...sangat lebar...
macam tadek ape lagi yang boleh dan pernah buat saye hepi dari moment semalam...
Mekaseh Allah...
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Ini bukan Puan Bini dan Incik Suami dan Cik Bebi |
Sedikit info tentang baby kicking:
When Baby Starts Kicking..?
You should feel baby's first kicks after about 16 weeks. At first the movements will be gentle, a bit like butterflies in the tummy, but after a few more weeks those kicks and jabs can get quite sharp - he'll certainly get your attention! Baby loves to kick and stretch. After a while it gets a bit cramped for space in there so you are bound to feel it when he moves about. He'll also turn somersaults, moving from a bottom down to a head down position or vice versa. He won't settle in one position until the end of your pregnancy.
As baby grows bigger you should be able to see the movements through your skin, and you'll be able to hold a hand or foot. You may also be able to tell which way baby is lying from the shape of your bump: for instance if he's curled up on one side your bump will appear off-centre. You can often tell which bit is which! A long firm area will be his back and his hands and feet will feel small and knobbly, the head and bottom are about the same size but the bottom feels more squashy!
In the final trimester baby will move on average every couple of minutes, although you won't necessarily feel all his movements. He will have a routine consisting of sleep, awake but relaxing, and exercise. The problem is his routine probably won't mimic yours and his exercises can occur when you're ready for a sleep! In the last weeks of your pregnancy baby may move much less frequently. Don't be alarmed by this as it is quite normal. After all there's not much room now for stretching and gymnastics!
In late pregnancy baby will usually turn head down. You will probably be able to tell by the source of the kicks - if he is head down, the kicks will be felt in your ribs. Then, when his head engages at about 36 weeks, you may feel his head knocking on your cervix - it's his way of saying "See you soon Mummy!"
x dinafikan. moment paling indah ialah first time dapat share dengan hubby the feel of baby's kickings. xleh nak rakam pakai video camera..huhu...besnye....
huhuh..bestnye nana..mase aku dulu experience baby's first kick mase keje sorg2 kat tepeng..maklumle pjj kan..sayunye :p
ye la wani...tau dulu kamu dok sorang2 je kat tepeng...huhuhu...xpe la..skang kan dah ade imran yg bijak :)
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