Ok...nape baru nak cite lepas week20...ni gara2 incik suami yang mementingkan segala macam kebaikan untuk cik bebi die (die..?sebab pape nak beli or makan,die mesti cakap 'untuk bebi abg' instead for me..sedeh..?) dan juge kewangan....so selepas 4bulan saye minum Anmum Materna saye diarah bertukar kepada S26 Wyeth...sebab kate beliau private hospital bagi ibu2 mengandung/breastfeed dan baby susu ni (based on pengalaman kaklong...takkan la die plak kan...?.)..dan bile calculate harga S26 lebeh murah....ok fine..kite cuba ye bang....
So saya nak share kepada mereka yang belum mengandung apa beza kandungan nutrition yang ada dalam kedua-dua susu ni...secara 'serius' yakni melalui description pada pek susu itu...tahu..tahu...harus korang leh caik sendre kat website diorang kan...dah tu....aku nak tolong korang,xleh...?bagi la pahala lebeh sket ari jumaat neh...
Basicly yang penting untuk perkembangan dan kesihatan ibu hamil ialah seperti chart dibawah:
When you're pregnant, what you eat and drink is the main source of nourishment for your child. That's why it's important for you to consider what you eat. Although you'll need about 300 extra calories a day, especially in the later stages when your child grows quickly, the extra food should provide the nutrients he needs and shouldn't just be empty calories.
Anmum Materna™, which is high in folic acid - a nutrient clinically tested to support the growth of your foetus. It also contains Gangliosides, Folate, DHA, FOS, Calcium, Iron as well as other important vitamins and minerals to support your child's optimal growth and development. Just two glasses of Anmum Materna™ a day can give you 100% of your daily folic acid and 50% of your iron needs.
Sumber rujukan:Anmum Materna™, which is high in folic acid - a nutrient clinically tested to support the growth of your foetus. It also contains Gangliosides, Folate, DHA, FOS, Calcium, Iron as well as other important vitamins and minerals to support your child's optimal growth and development. Just two glasses of Anmum Materna™ a day can give you 100% of your daily folic acid and 50% of your iron needs.
S-26 MAMA (S26)
S-26 Mama is a nutritional supplement specifically developed to meet a pregnant or lactating mother's nutritional needs. S-26 Mama helps meet your RDA for nutrients so you and your fetus can get the best nutritional support required. Ordinary cow's milk contains a higher content of cholesterol and its fat content comprises of more than 50% saturated fat, a fatty acid that is difficult to digest.
S-26 Mama however, is high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that are easier to break down and used by your body. Keeping to a diet of S-26 Mama can therefore keep you in control of your cholesterol intake and reduce the build up of saturated fatty acids so you can stay heart-healthy!
Per Serving of 240ml = 200ml water / 3 scoops (59g) powder.
Sumber rujukan: http://www.wyethnutrition.com.my
So sebagai bakal2 ibu bijak, sile la compare dengan sebaik mungkin...tapi itu adalah comparison secara ilmiah...saye nak share plak comparison based on apa yang sayi alami..
- Rasa - AM lebih sedap...sedap macam susu lembu biase..cam susu dutch lady gitu...rasa S26 adalah sangat tidaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk sedap...
- Rupa - AM tak mudah berketul...tapi S26 kalo pakai air panas (instead of air suam) sangat berketul2...
- Bau - AM berbau wangi dan menyelerakan...S26 bau cam air jagung...tak la teruk pon bau die..
- Penyimpanan - AM datang dengan kotak ngan aluminium seal bag je...tapi S26 ada tin...senang nak simpan...
- Harga - setelah dicalculate harga pergram, S26 lebih murah considering tin sekali....tapi beza tak la terlalu major...
- Ketahanan - AM buatkan lapa dengan cepat...tapi S26 agak boleh bertahan...so bleh la nak masak lambat sket bile minum S26..
- Tidur - tatau psycho ke ape...AM cepat wat ngantok...S26 ni tadek pape plak...
Huh...saye dapat pk yang ni je la so far...selalunye dalam sebulan sengah susu da abes (ok..saye mmg xberdisplin)...tapi susu ni cam tak gerak2 langsung...awal2 dlu incik suami da cakap 'kalo xleh nak masuk,jangan la pakse...sat gi muntah,sakit lain plak...'...tapi bile pk duit tu bukan senang dapat....so,saye dengan tabah hati minum ngan tutup hidung...ahahaa....pas abes air susu secawan,tros minum air masak sebotol...or mungkin itu taktik S26 untuk soh ibu2 lebih minum air masak kot...ahahhaa....tapi pape pon,minat tak minat,suka tak suka...saye nasihat kepada bakal yang nak baby dan bakal ibu supaya paksa diri jugak minum susu...sebab bukan je untuk baby (ye la...baby minum bape banyak je...?) tapi more to ketahanan badan kite...so kite bleh menari di taman tanpa sakit pinggang....owh bukan...tu iklan susu lain.. huhuu...saye harap sharing is caring harini dapat membantu mereka diluar sane...ouchhhh (educatednye ayat)...tadek pape lg nak cakap...kalo ade sape2 nak komen dan tambah lagi..sile la...untuk kebaikan bersame kan...?!
Info yg brguna,,,,first bby minum am,,,bby kedua ni nga berjinak minum s26 plak,,,,perisa vanila,,,sedap,,,,lawat blog saya plak,,
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